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Manage Data

The manage data page allows you to access important data maintenance screens for the application. These include:

  • Manage All Listgroups -- Shows all of your persondal list groups and allows them to be changed, deleted, or for you to add a new listgroup.
  • Create New List -- Allows you to add a new list to a list group, and set which categories/aisles are in that list, and in which order.
  • Manage Categories -- Shows all personal and global categories and allows changing colors to be displayed in the item checkoff screen.
  • Manage All Items -- Allows editing of all items that you have added to a list group/list (either from the global list or your own custom new item).
  • View Global Items -- View a list of the global / built-in items that come with the application. No changes can be made to these items.
  • Units of Measure -- Allows you to change global units of measure (adding alternate unit of measure abbreviations) and add/change any custom units of measure you create as well.