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Friends Editor

From this screen, you will see a list of existing friends, and those in different statuses. In the example shown, for instance, you have already sent an invite to "Friend 5" at their GMail address, but they haven't yet registered for an account on the app. If they have misplaced their email to register, you can click on the URL button and share the URL with your friend so they can register in the app.

If someone had requested you to be their friend, and you are both already in the app, you will see a button for you to confirm the friendship. You can only share listgroups once you have confirmed the friendship. Once confirmed, the friendship is bi-directional.

You can also click on the "+" button at the bottom of the screen in order to add a new friend. You enter their email address and if the person is not yet a user, it will send them an email to register for an account. If they are already a user, they will be prompted when they login to the app to confirm the friendship. A number "badge" will appear next to the Friends menu item as well.